About Us

Why Suresense?

Suresense exists to curb the unstoppable rise of energy costs, tackling the climate crisis head-on.


  • An enviable track record
  • A highly experienced technical team
  • And three decades of practical experience

We’re in an excellent position to create innovative, intelligent control solutions that create practical changes for businesses – in terms of both finances and corporate social and environmental responsibility.

Why Energy Efficiency?

“The world finally has a global climate agreement with both the US and China as formal parties. This signals a new era in global efforts to address climate change.”

Jennifer Morgan, Greenpeace

“Focussing on energy efficiency will do more than protect the earth’s climate, it will make business and consumers richer”

Amory Levins, Rocky Mountain Institute

“Energy efficiency is a global thematic megatrend. The world is facing a global energy crisis. Energy efficiency is the answer”

Sarbjit Nahal, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

People We Work With